Stop! Collaborate and Listen

My job often takes me on the most rewarding journeys and this past week has been no exception, as I worked with a group of Young People at a Songwriting LAB organised by SOSLAM and METAL Southend. All of the facilitators, including those like myself, brought in to speak about subjects such as radio interviews and podcasting, for example: have songwriting experience

My initial objective with this project was to ensure the young musicians went away with an understanding of the importance of vocal health and were equipped to give themselves a vocal warm up, particular on a gig day.

Little did I know, it was going to be so much more. The sheer talent from the young people was outstanding, which in turn has become an inspiration and the whole week re-iterated the importance of being surrounded by like-minded people to help spark your creativity and potential collaborations.

For me personally, it has given me the nudge I needed to revisit some forgotten skills: before this week, I wouldn't say I'd had writers block, but after spending the whole of last year in the studio, I had 'de-prioritised' my writing and my focus was everywhere but there. My main take away from the past week, is that I should never let this happen and already I'm writing again. It's amazing what a bit of refocus can do. 

Anyway, I wasn't around on the final afternoon of the project, but this little video arrived in my inbox. Just brilliant to see them warming up without me ... Job done, I'd say! 

The Song School CIC