I fought the law and the law won

As I watch news of the snap general election, the dismantling of the NHS before our very eyes, Trump, Brexit (don't mention Brexit!!); I can't help but wonder if the young songwriting community are watching and wondering what is to become of us, picking up their note pads and furiously writing about it all. 

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The Song School CIC
Working 9 to 5

This week I take to the stage myself, as I play 'Doralee' (a.k.a Dolly Parton) in '9 to 5 the Musical' and I thought it would be useful to share some of my rituals, that enable me to stay energised and in full voice. 

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Running up that hill

Good breathing technique and vocal health, requires singers to regularly revisit their training, like any other instrument. It also requires singers to look after themselves physically, given the voice is within us and can't be dusted off with a bit of Mr Sheen, like a piano can!

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The Song School CIC